Eva recently helped our family purchase an investment property in Cape Charles, VA. Our search lasted almost 9 months, and Eva was there for us every step of the way. We began as novices, and as our needs and wants changed, she was always patient, helpful, and kind. Eva’s knowledge of the unique Cape Charles market was invaluable during our home search.

Where did you grow up?
In a small town called Purgstall in Austria near the city of Vienna.
Have you lived anywhere else other than the Eastern Shore?
I left Austria in my early 20’s with a sense of adventure, living and working in the Canary Islands for two years as a tour guide before I decided to hop on a 42 foot catamaran headed northeast to the European coast. It was an amazing one year journey living onboard with the ocean to rock me to sleep at night. Andalusia Spain called to me next, keeping me on the Costa Del Sol for two more years before I moved to the United States. South Florida was the beginning of my U.S. adventure, which eventually lead to my arrival in Cape Charles in 1993.
What languages do you speak?
German and English, and I can get around in Spanish.
Have you traveled a lot? Where are some of the places you have been?
Yes I have traveled to many places. My favorite trip was recently when I traveled to visit my daughter in Senegal. She is there serving in the Peace Corps. It was an amazing opportunity to see Senegal in its real and raw form. A truly life changing experience.

In what year did you begin your career in real estate?
I started working in real estate in May 2000.
What originally got you interested in real estate?
I have always been fascinated with houses, but really fell in love with real estate when I was looking for a home of my own after moving to the U.S. from Europe. I consider myself one of the lucky ones; I love what I do.
What was it like participating in HGTV’s Beachfront Bargain Hunt?
I was completely surprised the day they called me at the office. There, in front of me, was the next big adventure in Eastern Shore real estate — putting Cape Charles on the national stage! After filming three episodes of the HGTV show over four years, I’ve found both Cape Charles and I are recognized in so many places. HGTV loves Cape Charles and who knows, you might be the next featured Bargain Hunter!
“Looking for a Beachfront Bargain Hunt? Look No Further Than Cape Charles”
Eastern Shore Post (November 29, 2019 Issue)
Why did you settle on the Eastern Shore?
My adventurous life led me to Cape Charles but it wasn’t until I started my family here that I actually started to live. As my new family roots were Cape Charles, Cape Charles became my new family. I raised both my children here and they love coming back. This will always be their home.
What is your favorite outdoor activity on the Eastern Shore?
I’ve trained for marathons and I’ve raced sailboats across Eastern Virginia and found myself loving almost each and every sunrise and sunset. I also love strolling the streets of Cape Charles in the early morning hours and looking at all the houses. I am convinced I see a new house on each and every walk.
Do you prefer the seaside or bayside of the Eastern Shore? Why?
The bayside is nice for walking the beaches and looking for seaglass but the seaside is wonderful for kayaking and incredible sunrises. I feel so lucky that I have the best of both worlds.

How do you relax after a hard day of work?
I like to come home and sit on my porch with a good glass of wine.
If time and budget were unlimited, what would be your dream adventure?
Running the Great Wall of China Marathon.
Where do you usually go (or what do you do) when you have time off?
Family and friends have always been a priority for me. I’m willing, and happily able, to travel to them when the opportunity comes up. Because I have family all over, every visit adds to the adventure.
Eva Noonan
[email protected]